• INTRO - Script writing for guerilla or no-budget films can be very simple or very difficult depending on what you want. Don't write an elaborate script with tons of extras and special-fx if you don't want to spend a lot of money. All you need is a pen and paper, so listen to what we have to say and remember to take lots of notes.

  • Stage 1: When you first start to write the script you have to have a one sentence concept or breakdown of the entire script. (Example: An adventurous archeologist races across the earth to find the holy grail before the Nazis do.) If you can't narrow your film script to one defining sentence then come up with a better idea. There's nothing worse then being stuck with a bad concept. Thinking about your concept early will allow you to better focus your efforts while writing your script.

  • Stage 2: The next step is to write down a one page treatment of that sentence long concept. This one page discription lets you elaborate on that basic idea and create a plot for your film. You should describe what you want the story to be about and also talk about the ordeals faced by your protagonist. You can also talk about the other main characters and what their roles will be in the film.

  • Stage 3: It is essential to map out the scene structure throughout your film. When you write your scenes keep in mind that they should be shot near your house. You don't want to waste money traveling around pointlessly, trying to get your shots. If you look at the locations area of this site there are some useful scenes that can be used for guerilla film-making. Remember the Kiss principle when choosing locations. What is the kiss principle you ask? Well it means, keep it simple stupid. A good trick we've learned is that you should always write each scene on a separate piece of paper. If you do this it's easier to add missing scenes in later and keep yourself organized. Organization is the key to completing your film script and keeping your conceptual framework intact.

  • Stage 4: The next stage is to write that script out on paper. The sooner you get a finished rough copy done the sooner you can start editing. It may take up to 20 passes of your script before you like the version you have. Don't try to perfect your script when you first write it. You will always have to go back and make corrections.

  • Stage 5: When you have the final working version of your script, it's now time to access it's feasibility. Will you actually be able to produce this sucker on a limited budget and resources. If the answer is no then you'll have to find take the script and simplify it. It can be very painful watching your great ideas change to suit your budget. But you'll have to compromise if you want to produce it yourself.

  • Link: For more script writing tips, solutions and general advice, visit ALPHA SCRIPTS

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